Frequently asked questions.

What Happens at a Home Visit?

Navigating breastfeeding, bottle feeding or pumping can be overwhelming, but I’m here to make things easier for you in the comfort of your own home! You are not alone!

Here’s what you can expect during our home visit:

  • Arrival and Setup:

When I arrive, I’ll bring along everything we might need, including my tools and computer. I’ll set up in the most comfortable spot in your home—whether that’s your bed, the couch, or wherever you feel at ease. Just a little space for my bag and computer is all I need, so you don’t have to worry about any extra preparations.

  • Getting to Know You:

We’ll start by chatting about what’s been going on with your feeding journey. I’ll listen to your concerns and goals, and we’ll work together to understand what’s happening and what you need.

  • Assessment and Guidance:

I’ll observe a breastfeeding session to see how things are going. This helps me give you the most personalized advice. Here’s SOME of what we might cover:

  • Latch: Are you worried about how your baby is latching? I’ll help you ensure they’re getting a good latch for comfortable and effective feeding.

  • Position: Struggling to find a comfortable breastfeeding position? We’ll explore different options to find what works best for you and your baby.

  • Pain: If you’re feeling pain during breastfeeding, I’ll work with you to identify the cause and find solutions to make it more comfortable.

  • Milk Transfer: Concerned about whether your baby is getting enough milk? I’ll help you assess how well milk is being transferred and provide guidance on what to look for.

  • Milk Production: If you’re worried about your milk supply, we’ll discuss strategies to support healthy milk production and address any concerns you might have.

  • Baby’s Intake: How can you tell if your baby is getting enough milk? I’ll guide you on the signs of adequate feeding and weight gain.

  • Burping: Not sure if you’re burping your baby correctly? I’ll show you effective techniques to help your baby feel more comfortable after feedings.

  • Normal Infant Sleep: What’s normal when it comes to your baby’s sleep patterns? We’ll discuss how sleep and feeding are connected.

  • Bottle Feeding: Formula or Expressed Breastmilk Feeding: How, When, Why, Why Not, and all that is in between!

  • Nipple Shields, Breast Pumps, Hands-Free Pumping Bras: I’ll explain and demonstrate how to use them properly, how to maximize milk production, and when they might be helpful.

Practical Tips and Hands-On Help:

I’ll show you hands-on techniques and practical solutions that fit into your daily routine. My goal is to give you the tools and confidence you need to feel more comfortable with breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping and all that is in between.

Support and Follow-Up:

I’m here to support you every step of the way. If you have more questions or need additional help, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m just a call or text away. We’ll also discuss any follow-up visits or check-ins if needed.

A Friendly Presence:

Think of me as your supportive big sister—here to offer guidance, encouragement, and a comforting presence. Whether you’re feeling anxious or just need a bit of reassurance, I’m here to help you through it.

Remember, every family’s needs are different, and I’m here to adapt to what works best for you. If you have any more questions or want to schedule a visit, just let me know. I’m excited to support you on this journey!